Superfood "Fudge"

Nicole Kelley • Nov 09, 2022
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This is my go-to for a superfood pick me up! For the chocolate collagen powder I strongly suggest Further Foods Chocolate Collagen Powder with Reishi Mushrooms!

Purchase collagen here

Lets talk about these ingredients!


  • This glorious bottle of ground sesame seeds really packs a punch in your recipes when used as a replaced to nut butters.
  • It is high in HEALTHY fat and Amino Acids. It is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals like your B vitamins, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc! These are important for your nerve, bone, brain function and metabolic health.
  • Tahini helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, especially LDL. It has antithrombotic properties. Sesame seeds are high in phytosterols which can be used to treat arteriosclerosis. It helps improve your blood lipid profiles. Sounding good yet?
  • Tahini can help regulate your hormones (especially during menopause).
  • It can help fight inflammation. We now know that inflammation is the root of most chronic diseases.
  • The Amino Acids, Vitamin E and B, fatty acids, and trace minerals are helpful in preventing those early signs of aging! Step aside botox!
  • Tahini boosts nutrient absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as Vit E which is great news for prevention of aging-related diseases!

Maca: One of my favorite apoptogenic roots!

  • Helps your body manage stress! It stimulates the body's stress protection system and helps keep your cortisol levels from rising.
  • Helps with depression: There is a link between consuming maca and increased dopamine levels
  • Increases energy and endurance without caffeine
  • Helps with balancing hormones especially during perimenopause and menopause
  • Can increase bone density
  • Libido boost! Look out! It has aphrodisiac properties without changing hormone levels (it also helps with male fertility and erectile disfunction)


  • Did you know that cinnamon kills many bacteria, fungi and viruses (yes its good for much more than flavoring your keto pumpkin pie)
  • It aids in digestion and enhances absorption of other herbs and nutrients
  • It contains chromium which aids in blood sugar regulation


  • Is a well-known anti-inflammatory
  • Has a strong set of systemic antioxidants (the curcuminoids are more effective than Vit. C!)
  • Has anti-clotting/platelet factors

Further Foods Chocolate Collagen with Reishi Mushrooms:

  • Daily use of collagen may reduce wrinkles, and support stronger hair, nails & teeth. Supplementing with collagen peptides can also help promote healthy bones and joints and improved gut health.
  • Cocoa powder is full of antioxidants that help to fight free radicals which can prevent disease. Consuming cocoa powder can also help to boost your mood and even fight depression.
  • Reishi mushrooms have been used in ancient Chinese medicine for their immune boosting benefits in treating everything from flu to cancer. Reishi mushrooms can improve your mood too!
  • Monkfruit, also known as lo han guo, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Monkfruit is also a natural, low glycemic and low carb alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners

Coconut Oil: 

  • Supports you brain function, memory, and can be used to help treat Alzheimer's Disease. The digestion of medium-chain fatty acids in your liver creates ketones that are readily accessible by the brain for energy.  The MCFA's are easily absorbed by your body and can be accessed by your brain without the use of insulin. Studies suggest that as the brain of someone suffering from Alzheimer's loses the ability to create its own insulin, allowing the ketones to help repair brain function. They provide substrates to help repair damaged neurons and membranes. (I get into this much more with my health assessments and the whys of a ketogenic diet)
  • Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action.
  • It encourages fat burning and is a quick source of energy
  • It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties along with being a good source of antioxidants
  • Skin, hair, and oral health!


  • I specifically use Dave Asprey's C8 MCT Oil. I am not an affiliate, its just truly the only one (and I've tried a TON) that makes me feel super-human mentally and physically.
  • Can support weight loss by increasing fullness, fat loss, ketone production, and by improving your gut improvement
  • It is an instant source of energy
  • Can reduce lactate buildup in athletes and help use fat for energy. This helps improve your performance. (Again, I get more into this with my health assessments and the why's of a ketogenic diet)
  • Brain Power, mental clarity and sharpness!

Grass-fed Butter: (*Note*if you are dairy free this can be omitted for equal amounts of coconut oil or coconut butter)

Grass-fed Butter is higher in omega-3 fatty acids. These have anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains up to 500% more CLA than regular dairy. It is rich in Vitamin A, beta carotene, Vitamin K2

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